Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 10-22

These few weeks were filled with visitors! We are so blessed to have a WONDERFUL sunday school class, and great neighbors that all brought over food for us. We did not have to cook dinner for a whole month! Daddy went out of town for a few days this week and we really missed him. Mama Birch and Grandma came and stayed with us to help us out for a few nights.

On Saturday, May 15th, Ashley, Ben and Brady Ellis came to visit us from Charlotte! It was so great see them and to see how much Brady has grown. Brady and Charlotte already look like a cute couple. They got along great! Ashley and I had a great time strolling to downtown Asheville with our babies to grab some lunch. It was nice to have an afternoon out. The babies were great and slept thru lunch.

Charlotte looks like she is in LOVE!

We also had a week full of doctor's appointments. I had my 2 week follow up appointment at my doctor and Charlotte had her 2 week check up as well. She was 9lb, 1 oz. We had lunch at the new Tupelo Honey in South Asheville. She slept right thru lunch!

Charlotte with Dr. Harrington. She was our doctor all thru our pregnancy, but Dr. Garbarino actually delivered her. Dr. Harrington could not believe how big Miss Charlotte was!

On Sunday, my good friend Erin and her husband, Tracy, came to visit us and to meet Charlotte. They were on their way back to Knoxville. We miss them very much and it was great to see them!

We had a visit from our friends Jen, Ben, their son Andrew, Liz, Adam, and Lilly

Me holding Andrew, and Ben holding Charlotte

On Saturday, we went to our friend Jack Davis' 2nd Birthday party! We had fun at our first party!

It's Party Time! Yes, I am cheesy enough to coordinate outfits with my daughter!

Our first trip to the Biltmore house!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Well, for obvious reasons, this year's Mother's Day was very special. I became a Mother- the best job in the world! We had a very eventful weekend to help celebrate Mother's Day. On Saturday, Matt's family came into town to help celebrate Mother's day and our anniversary. We had a great time getting to see them all.

Charlotte and cousin Ada. We are going to have so much fun together when we grow up!

Charlotte and Kenneth. Kathleen, Kenneth's sister was busy playing with Matt. She loves him! Kenneth loves to hold Charlotte and he is such a big boy!

Charlotte and Mamaw

My two wonderful children! Jackson is giving his sister a kiss. Looks like Charlotte is giving him one back!

On Sunday, we went to church for the first time! Some might say we are crazy, but it was my first mother's day and I did not want to miss it. We also had a rose placed on the altar for Charlotte and we wanted to be there for this special day. The youth minister told us we were nominated for parishioners of the week at the staff meeting because we brought our 8 day old baby. Charlotte almost made it through the whole service. I had to take her out and feed her as we got to the end. Hopefully we will be able to time feedings and church services a little better in the future.

Mother's Day 2010

On Sunday, my side of the family came up to celebrate Mother's Day. Charlotte had a great time getting to meet more of her family.

Four generations of Dearybury women! Watch out!

Me, Granny, Daddy, and Charlotte

Cousin Katie and Aunt Debbie

Charlotte has already got Papa Birch wrapped around her finger! That did not take long!

Friday, May 7, 2010

First week Home

What a wonderful first week on the job Matt and I had as new parents. Charlotte has been an angel so far. She started sleeping in her crib the first night. She has only been waking up once or maybe twice a night. We went on our first walk around the neighborhood on Tuesday. It was a VERY SLOW walk since I was still recovering. We used the Mobiwrap and Charlotte slept the whole way around the block.
On Wednesday, Grandmother and Auntie came up to meet Charlotte and they were both excited to meet the first Great-Grandchild! Uncle Dan also came to see us. Wednesday was also our 3rd wedding anniversary! We had sushi for dinner since I missed it so much during my pregnancy. Matt and I decided our gift to one another would be a new camera so that we can take great pictures of Charlotte- so we hope you enjoy them as well. We also had our first trip to the doctor's office!

First trip to the doctor! She did great!

Proud Auntie

Very happy Grandmother- Charlotte will call her "Mena"

Our little baby burrito!

Beautiful flowers from friends, family, and co-workers!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Journey Home

On Monday, the doctor said I could go home if I felt like I could handle it on my own, so I did not hesitate to get my stuff packed and ready to go. We were very fortunate to have had a wonderful stay in the hospital, but as nice as it was, there is still no place like home. I am very thankful to all of the nurses and lactation consultants that helped me in my first few days as a Mommy. Here are a few pics from our journey home.

All dressed and ready to leave the hospital!

First trip in the car. We figured out later that we had the straps slightly wrong....but we got it figured out.

What a warm welcome! Thanks to Grandma and Mama Birch for helping to get our house ready for the new addition!

Our new family :) Jackson was glad for us to be home.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Birth Day!

What a day! (And night). For those of you who have not heard the story of how Miss Charlotte finally decided to come into this world, I will try to give you the short version.
Charlotte's due date was officially Friday, April 23rd. We were pretty excited about this date because my insurance deductible year turned over on May 1st, so we were hoping we would be in and out of the hospital by May 1st......but alas, Charlotte was not ready to come until May 1st. Oh well! She is starting out expensive! April 23rd was the day the President Obama came to visit Asheville, and I thought for a while that I would go into labor and get stuck in the presidential motorcade on my way to the hospital. But the Obamas came and went, and Charlotte still did not come. I think she did not want her big day to be overshadowed by a president!
The week between April 23rd and May 1st was easily the LOOONNGGESTTTT week of my life. Just of few things I tried....2 accupuncture sessions, spicy food of every type(jamaican, mexican, hot wings), lots of walking (including a midnight stroll during the full moon), eggplant, and finally an "induction massage" by the most wonderful massage therapist, Trish Harwood at Clay Salon in Weaverville. When I went, she said she has never had anyone go over 40 hours before going into labor. 30 hours later, Charlotte decided to make her grand entrance.
We had gone over to our good friends Cary and Bryan Luhn's house for dinner that night to get my mind off of everything. After great homemade pizza, and the boys played 18 holes of Tiger Woods golf on the Wii and we headed home. I had been having what I thought were cramps all evening long, so on the way home we decided to start timing them to see if they were actually contractions. They were seven minutes apart and by the time we pulled up to the house at 11:30pm, my water finally broke and we knew Charlotte was officially on her way. I labored at the house for about 3 hours, and we finally got to the hospital around 4am Saturday morning. I was 4 cm dilated. After laboring in the big tub at the hospital until 7am ( my contractions were around 2-3 minutes apart), I finally gave in and decided to get an epidural. After the epidural, my contractions started to slow down....and the doctor came in and told me Charlotte's heart rate was dropping and she was not getting enough oxygen. So, after trying to do everything to get her heart rate back to normal......I ended up having to have a C-Section to get her out safely. Healthy baby and healthy mama! So at 10:01am on Saturday morning, the most wonderful little person was born! How happy and exhausted we were!

Her lungs were obviously working very well!

Charlotte Elyse Ostwalt, weighing in at 8 lb, 11 oz! 20 inches long

Worn out from the journey into the world!

We had lots of visitors in the hospital. All our wonderful family and many friends came to visit and meet Miss Charlotte.

Charlotte's First Birthday Cake. Grandma made it especially for us.

Charlotte and Uncle Dan

Grandmommy and Charlotte (First Great-Grandchild)

Grandma and Grandpa